
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Fishing the Delaware, Palmyra NJ
48 x 32, casein on muslin

I've been mainly working on bigger canvases recently, and this piece is my largest to date. The scene is from the Jersey side of the Delaware River on a hazy afternoon in early summer. I was attracted to the contrast of the gleaming skyline (the city of Philadelphia) on the left, and a hulking old dredge on the right. In the foreground, a family fishes on the sandy shore near the shadows of the overhanging trees in New Jersey's Palmyra Nature Preserve.

Clouds Over 84
36 x 24, Casein on Muslin

On my many trips back an forth from Boston to Philadelphia during my recent transition, I was always attracted to the cloud formations over the highway. I hope to do a series of paintings expressing different light conditions, weather patterns, and geographic and structural elements of highway travel. In this piece, I'm pleased with the colors and movement both on the ground and in the sky, and the exploration of how these two elements interact.

June 18th was the semi-annual meeting for the membership of the Creekside Coop, the first since the beginning of construction. I was very happy to make a presentation showing the digital 3-D models I've been creating for the interior. It was the first visual preview the members got of their new store. I will be very busy until fall, when the coop opens its doors, building custom millwork and helping with the design implementation, so I'm not planning to do any more gallery shows or festivals until after the coop is up and running.

Below are a couple of the drawings showing some of the fixtures and layout.